Checking on The Things You’ve Stored

When you rent a storage unit, your first thought is most likely, “How am I going to get everything from my house to the unit?” At EZ Storage® in Pittsburgh, our free* local move-in truck makes it easy to get your things from your garage to your storage space, but once everything is in, what do you do then? Lock the unit and walk away? Depending on how long you’re storing your items, you may need to check on things every so often, and it’s important to decide how many times you’ll visit your unit each month.
Once a Month
It’s recommended that you check on your belongings at least once every month to make sure nothing has fallen over, been crushed by something falling on it, or suffered any other type of damage. You’ll also want to check the packing tape to make sure it hasn’t come loose, since factors such as temperature fluctuations and changes in air pressure can impact its adhesiveness. Bringing a duster or rag will let you clean everything off, because even though our units are sealed tight, dust still finds its way inside.
Swapping Out Items
If you rented a storage unit knowing that you’d be swapping things out on a regular basis, then you’ll most likely be coming by more than once a month. Our convenient access hours of 6:00am to 10:00pm on every day of the year make it easy to visit your unit when it works for you. Whether you’re bringing more boxes and taking some furniture home, it’s important to check on the state of your belongings every time you’re in your storage space.
Ask a Friend
You might be renting a self-storage unit because you’re going out of town for a long period of time, and therefore you won’t be able to check on your things. When that happens, it’s a good idea to ask a friend to be your contact and visit your space on a regular basis. Our staff can’t look in on things for you, since your unit has a unique access code, and it’s best not to leave things unchecked for months at a time. Your friend can manage your account with us as well, which can be great if you’re overseas and don’t have easy access to phone or email.
Open Your Boxes
If you have stacks of boxes in your storage unit, the first thing you want to check is that each stack is stable. If a box has fallen off the top and hit the floor, you’ll definitely want to open and inspect the contents. Even if nothing has fallen, it’s a good idea to open your boxes and look through things every so often. You can wait until you get home, but you’ll want to have the peace of mind that your mementos, collectibles, and other belongings are still in one piece. Bringing boxes home and sticking them in the basement, attic, or garage can lead to unwanted surprises later on.
We know that you can’t visit your storage unit every single day or even once a week, and we want you to feel confident that your things are safe and sound, even if you don’t come by for a few months. Opening it up and taking inventory once a month can help you stay on top of what’s inside the unit, and you can decide if you need a bigger space or if you should downsize to a smaller unit.
Stop by one of our Pittsburgh locations today to learn more about our options. We promise that you’ll receive exceptional service every time you call or visit.
We look forward to helping you!