Clearing Things Out of the House?

There’s been a recent wave of “tidying up” in many homes across the country, thanks to popular reality shows that focus on getting rid of unwanted things and making your home more functional. Whether or not you’ve watched these shows, you might be trying to clear things out of the house, only to find that you don’t have the time or energy. At EZ Storage® in Detroit, we can help you find the perfect self-storage unit for anything that you want to hold onto, but don’t necessarily want to keep in the house.
Creating More Space
The main reason that many people clear things out of their closets, their basements, and their garages is to make more space. They might feel cramped or overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in their house, and going through things allows the homeowner to reclaim rooms and use each space for its original purpose. The family room can once again be the family room, instead of the place where random things are stored.
As you’re sorting through your belongings, it’s good to look at each item and think about what it means to you. If something has sentimental value, then set it aside or put it in a box marked “Keepsakes.” You can store that box in a storage unit or in your closet, but you’ll know that it’s safe and sound. For those items that don’t mean much to you, or that you’d forgotten that you owned, you can easily toss or donate those things without a second thought.
No Need to Become a Minimalist

If you watch those home renovation or tidying shows on TV or your favorite streaming service, then you might think that you have to become a minimalist in order to have the space you need or want. While that can work for some people, all you really need to do is decide what you need or want in your home, and what can be stored elsewhere for future use or future generations. Obviously you’re going to hold onto family heirlooms, but you don’t necessarily need to keep them stashed in the attic or the basement. If something is hindering your ability to use your home to its fullest potential, then it can be worth it to evaluate the item and see if it would be better to put it in self-storage or get rid of it altogether.
Find Affordable Storage Today
If you’re feeling motivated to tidy up your home and go through certain rooms, then let EZ Storage® help you find an affordable storage space that suits your needs. Anything that you want to keep can be put in storage, where it will be protected until you decide what to do with it or it proves useful in the future. With several locations across the greater Detroit area, you can find a unit that’s close to home and that you can visit whenever it works for you.
Visit us today to learn more. We look forward to meeting you!