Keep Your Winter Gear Handy

At EZ Storage® in St. Louis, we’re always happy to help people find the perfect self-storage solutions, no matter if it’s July or January. With winter now officially here, you may be thinking about how often you’re going to have to bundle up to go to work, go to the store, or go out to get the mail. With cold and snow in the forecast, it’s important to make sure that your winter gear is handy, and that the entire family has their coats, hats, gloves, and boots. If you need to make room for winter clothing by storing your summer gear, we can help you find the ideal space!
The Front Coat Closet
If you have a coat closet in the front of your house, it can easily become cluttered with jackets, shoes, and other things. You and the kids put items in there to get them out of the way before guests arrive, but when was the last time you went through it? If you have light jackets and other warm-weather gear in there, clear those things out to make room for winter coats, scarves, and more. You can pack up those things you won’t need until May and put them in storage so they’re out of the way for the next few months. You’ll also have a less-cluttered coat closet where you can hang things when people come to visit for the holidays!
Outdoor Essentials
It’s important to have a snow shovel, ice scraper, and sidewalk salt ready to go for the winter months. You may keep the shovel and salt right outside the front door, but if you have an outdoor tool shed, it can be a good idea to keep them in there and out of the elements. If gardening tools and other items are taking up too much space, move them into storage for the season and make room for your winter essentials.
You’ll also want to create a car kit for the colder months of the year. Pack your ice scraper, flashlight, candles, matches, and non-perishable snacks into a box and keep it in the backseat or trunk for the winter. You’ll also want to invest in some sand or kitty litter for traction, as well as a small shovel for digging your car out, should you get stuck on the side of the road. Be sure to put some thick blankets and extra socks, hats, and gloves in the car for those frigid winter days.
Get Your Warm Clothes Out of Storage
If your winter clothing is in storage, or it’s tucked away in the basement, make sure that you’ve taken everything out and washed it before you need it. There will be freezing days when you still have to go to work, and should your furnace go out, you’ll want to have that extra-warm sweater on hand until the HVAC company can arrive. If there are items that you want to store or donate, pack a separate box with those things that no longer fit and put them away until you can take them where they need to go.
EZ Storage® is here to help you find the best self-storage this winter. If you have clothing, tools, or anything else that you need to get out of the house for the season, you can find an affordable unit at any of our four metro-area locations. With our month-to-month leases, you won’t have to worry about paying for storage into the spring, and you can access your unit on any day of the year.
Contact us today to learn more. We look forward to meeting you!