Safety Tips for Moving in the Winter

If you’re planning to move to a new house or apartment this winter, it’s important to make sure you take the proper safety precautions while carrying boxes, furniture, and more. The last thing you want is for you or someone who’s helping you move to slip and fall on an icy or snowy surface. By taking your time and planning ahead, you can ensure that everything gets moved safely and quickly this winter.
At EZ Storage®, we can help you find the appropriate self-storage unit for anything you want to store this winter. You might have some seasonal items that don’t need to be moved into your new place, or you may need to store certain things because you don’t have room for them. Whatever the case may be, we can provide you with a suitable storage solution!
Wear Proper Footwear When Moving in the Winter
While you certainly know it’s important to wear a coat, a hat, and gloves while moving during the winter, what about your footwear? If there are 10 inches of snow on the ground, you might not be able to get by with your standard sneakers or tennis shoes. You’ll want to wear boots or shoes that keep your feet warm and that also provide adequate traction. This can be especially beneficial if you’re moving yourself and carrying boxes and tubs to and from the moving truck and the house.
You’ll also want footwear with proper moisture protection, since water getting inside your shoes can be the quickest way to cold feet. Since you’re going to be on your feet most of the day, you don’t want them to be freezing and uncomfortable before you’re finished transporting everything.
Put Down Cardboard or Carpet During Your Winter Move-In
Another safety precaution to take is to put down cardboard or carpet runners in the entrances of both your new home and your old one. If there’s ice and snow on the ground, you don’t want to track it inside, creating a slick, unsafe walking surface. If you hired a professional moving company, be sure to ask what type of floor protection they use during the winter to keep things clean and safe. In your new home, cardboard, carpet, and even plastic can help protect the floors, and if things get too covered in snow, ice, and salt, you can simply take the floor protectors outside and shake them off.
Clear Away Snow and Ice Before Your Move
This one can seem rather obvious, but if you’re trying to get moved in quickly, you might not do a very good job of clearing away snow and ice on the sidewalk and steps in front of your home. The movers you’ve hired, or anyone who’s coming to help you move, will greatly appreciate a clear path to the front door, and you won’t have to worry about as many slip-and-fall hazards as things are being loaded into the truck or unloaded at your new place.
If it’s going to be snowing on your moving day, make sure you haven’t packed away your snow shovel and ice melt. Keep them in an easily accessible location so that you can clear the steps and the sidewalk throughout the day. Once you’re ready to leave your old residence, pack the shovel and ice melt into your car so that you can clear a path to your new residence once you arrive.
Rent a Storage Unit for Your Winter Move
If you want to get moved in quickly, one way to save yourself time is to rent a self-storage unit a few days or even a few weeks before your official moving day. You can store all of the items that aren’t going to your new home, such as seasonal gear or furniture that doesn’t fit, and you’ll have less to transport from your old place to your new one on moving day. Should the weather be less than ideal on moving day, you’ll be glad you only have to spend a few hours out in the cold and snow, instead of the entire day.
Visit Us Today
We hope that these tips will help you have a safe and enjoyable moving experience this winter. If you need a storage space for any of your belongings, please contact or visit one of our metro-area locations today. Our staff members and resident managers are always happy to help.
We Look Forward to Seeing You Soon!