Planning to Open a Pop-Up Shop?

Signage that reads "Open" on the front door of a business and text "Planning to open a pop-up shop?"

With the rise of online retail over the past 10 to 15 years, many brick and mortar stores have either adapted, or they’ve gone the way of the dodo. However, one business model that has seen a rise in popularity over the past few years is the “pop-up shop.” These businesses usually start as a one- or two-person operation, with most of the products being available both online and in person. They’re set up for a few days in one location, then torn down and moved to another location!

At EZ Storage® in Detroit, we can help you find the ideal self-storage unit for your pop-up shop materials, whether you have tables, tents, or clothing racks. We want you to feel confident that your things are safe and sound at all times!

How Long Are You Setting Up Shop?

dreamstime_xxl_32114627Most pop-up shops are only around for a few days, and they often offer exclusive products that customers can’t find elsewhere or at any other time of the year. You may be launching a new product, or you may move around the city, trying to attract new clientele to buy your merchandise. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to know how long you’re setting up shop, so that you can plan for when you need to get things out of storage. We offer access hours on every day of the year, so if you’re setting up at 8 a.m. on a Monday, you can get into your storage space at 7 a.m..

Find the Right Location

The success of your pop-up shop will depend on where it is located. You’ll want somewhere with lots of foot traffic, such as an outdoor mall, or a city or neighborhood center. People who pass by on their way to work or to go shopping need to be able to see your shop, and having attractive banners and signage will help catch their eye. With eight locations across the greater Detroit metro area, you can find a storage unit that’s close to your favorite location so you don’t have to travel far to set up and start selling during the prime times of the day.

Connect With People

dreamstime_xxl_31578025One of the major benefits of a pop-up shop is the opportunity to connect with people. In a large retail or “big-box” store, people often come in, find what they want, and maybe talk to one or two employees while they’re there. With a pop-up shop, you can personally connect with your customers, since the space is small, and you’re the only one who is selling your products. You can build brand awareness and create return customers, and with positive word-of-mouth about your shop, more and more people will likely show up next time.

If you’re looking for a suitable storage solution for your pop-up shop materials and products, then visit a nearby Michigan EZ Storage® location today. We love helping people find the perfect option, and if you have questions, then our staff members and resident managers will be more than happy to assist you.

We look forward to seeing you very soon!

