Spring Cleaning: Things It’s Time to Get Rid Of

Plastic container full of cleaning supplies

In the next couple of weeks we are going to see temperatures rise as spring settles in. This season is intended to be one of new opportunity and growth, which is why so many choose to start this time of the year off with a thorough spring cleaning project. If you’re planning on doing something like that for your home, you’re in luck! The team at EZ® Storage in Pittsburgh is going to talk about a few of the things that people most often hold onto that it’s time to finally toss. Let’s get started.

Old Clothes

Something that a majority of people will hang onto for too long are clothes. Whether you no longer wear them or they’re clothes that no longer fit, it’s time to recognize that you need to part with these clothes. Not only are they simply going to waste sitting around in your house, but they’re taking up room! Regardless of whether these clothes are in your closet or in boxes in your basement, it’s time to say your goodbyes and donate these clothes to someone who will actually wear them.

Kitchen Items

Another area of the house where we often wind up storing more than we need is in our kitchen. It’s so easy to hold onto tupperware that has no matching lid, mismatched dishes and silverware, and duplicates of pots or cooking gadgets. While it certainly is fun to have an abundance of tools in the kitchen, chances are you don’t really need all of it. Take a day or two to go through your kitchen items and figure out which items you could live without and make some space in your kitchen cabinets.


As a parent, you want nothing more than to provide your children with the various things that make them smile. The unfortunate thing is that children quickly outgrow clothes, shoes, and toys, leaving them to create clutter in your home. Whether you have a designated space for your child’s toys or not, you absolutely want to spend some time going through their toys and getting rid of any that they have outgrown and no longer play with. Donating these toys to a school or shelter is a great way for these toys to continue to make children smile.

Built Up Clutter

Every home has a junk drawer, but the reality is that this junk is often overflowing in our house as well. For some, clutter builds up in the basement or attic while others let it build up in small piles around their office or bedroom. Wherever your clutter may be, you know for yourself that there are items in your home that haven’t been touched for years but you continue to hold onto. This year, we challenge you to get rid of the items that you’ve held onto for years but have not acknowledged — you’ll be glad when you’ve rid yourself of the clutter that’s built up around you.

Paperwork and Mail

The last thing that we’re going to talk about in today’s blog post is one of the more trickier factors that contributes to clutter: paper. From items delivered to you via the postman to signed contracts and documents from work, most homes house quite a bit of paper. Though there are some documents you definitely want to hold onto, there are probably a few pieces of paper that it would be okay to part with.

Given that papers and documents are a bit more serious in regards to what you keep, this particular step of spring cleaning may take a little longer, but it also serves as a great time to get organized!

Invest in a Storage Unit

Spring cleaning is one of the best ways to cut down on clutter within the house, but sometimes you could still benefit from a bit more space. If you’ve gotten rid of the items that we’ve listed above and more, and you’re still short on space, the team at EZ® Storage can help. Our high-quality storage units provide you with a secure space to store the items that you’re not quite ready to get rid of, but that you don’t need access to regularly.

When you need a self-storage unit to free up some space, contact our office. We would be more than happy to answer any questions, provide you with a quote, or help you get a unit set up and ready!
