The Top 10 Items You Should Be Putting in Self-Storage

If you are like most American households, you have a lot of stuff sitting around. We own more items than ever before in history and it’s starting to take over your home. That’s why self-storage facilities like EZ Storage have become so popular. They are a quick, affordable, and convenient way to store items and clear out the clutter from your home.
We’ve helped many people find the perfect space for their belongings, and we’d love to do the same for you. If you’re thinking about what you should store, start by considering what you want to keep, but not necessarily keep in the house. These might be things of value, both personally and financially, and you want to be sure they’re safe and sound at all times.
If you are looking around for items to stick in your new self-storage spot, here are some of the most popular items people bring to our storage facility.
Most Common Items in Self-Storage
Holiday Decorations
Since you only need to access these once a year, they are the perfect item to stick in your self-storage space. You’ll be able to access them when needed, but otherwise, they’ll stay out of your way and won’t take up space in your basement, garage, or attic. Box up your Christmas lights, Halloween yard blow-up displays, and all those plastic Easter eggs and bring them over to us.
While we once had dreams of becoming a paperless society, it seems that there is more paperwork than ever. It’s usually stuff you need to hang onto, too. You need to keep items like your tax returns, medical bills, receipts, and business expenses for future reference. They usually recommend keeping these items for around seven years or more. There is no need to keep all that paperwork in your house; stick it in self-storage where it’s protected but out of the way.
Old Furniture
If you have excess furniture taking up space in your garage, attic, or basement, then renting a storage unit can make a lot of sense. When it comes to the garage, you want to use it to park your cars or as a workshop, but there’s not enough space to do either because of the items stored there.
For the basement and the attic, you may have plans to renovate these areas so that you have more living space, which can be especially beneficial if you have growing kids or extended family in your home. That extra couch that’s been sitting in the way for a year or two can be stored safely at one of our locations, and you can decide what to do with down the road.
Whether you inherited it from your parents, kept it from your college days, or are hoping your kids take it when they eventually move out, a lot of households seem to end up with furniture they don’t really need right now but aren’t ready to part with yet, either. Putting it in storage keeps it safe and available when the next person needs it!
Old Appliances
This might be one of the more surprising items on our top 10 list, but it’s definitely a common sight around our self-storage facilities! Maybe you have rental properties that might need a replacement oven, you got a good deal on a dishwasher but don’t want to say goodbye to the old one, or you’ve got a stove that you’re looking to sell. There is no need to let that old appliance go to waste. Putting it in storage protects it until you need it or decide to sell it.
Books are often more than just reading material. They are deeply personal and are often tied to memories of places and people. That makes them tough to part with when you are running out of room in your home. When you put them in self-storage, you won’t have to part with them or let them take up every shelf in your home. Some of them might be worth something someday!
Valuable Collections or Antiques
Perhaps you’re a collector who has spent their life acquiring rare and valuable items. These items can be anything from stamps to exotic art, but what really matters is that they mean a lot to you, and they’re worth some money. You’ve spent a lot of time, money, and energy to create your collection, and the last thing you want is for something to happen to it. By putting it into the proper archival boxes or crates, and placing it in storage, you can help ensure that your collection is safe from fire, flood, and other hazards.
Antiques can be a wonderful thing to own and collect, but unfortunately, those beautiful pieces might not go with your current decor. There is no need to part with them, though. When you stick them in our climate-controlled storage facility you can be assured they are safe and sound but don’t have to look at them every day in your living room. This is an especially great option for items that are valuable; you don’t have to worry about an unknowing guest using that Lalique plate for their spaghetti meal.
Physical Media
Media formats seem to change quickly! We went from records to tapes to CDs to digital files in what felt like the blink of an eye. Just because you’ve moved on to the next format doesn’t mean you have to part with the old ones. We’ll keep that 8-track collection safe for you so you can get it out when you need a dose of nostalgia.
Maybe you gained weight. Maybe you lost weight. Maybe you know you’ll need those maternity clothes again someday so you want to hang onto them. When clothing is taking over your closet, it’s time to pare down the selection and put the items you only need occasionally (or will only need when you lose or gain that weight again) into our storage facility. That way when your weight or life circumstances change, you don’t have to buy a whole new wardrobe–it’s waiting for you here!
Your kids love their toys, but do they have to be all over the house? Nope! Give them a selection of items and then stick the rest in storage. You can rotate their toy selection on a seasonal basis, keeping them interested in old items and saving your house from being overrun by battery-operated noise makers.
You may also have random boxes of toys taking up space in your closets and elsewhere in the house, and you’re simply ready for them to be out of the way. Taking time to go through each one and deciding what you want to keep can be a great way to downsize or donate the toys in your house, and what’s left can easily be placed in your self-storage unit.
Baby Items
Maybe you had one baby but you are hoping for more. Keeping those keepsakes as well as the practical items in storage is a great way to cut down costs when you have your next child and keep your home free from unnecessary baby gear. Store the items your baby has outgrown into self-storage and pull them out for your next child.
While these items are the most popular things we see coming into our self-storage facility, it’s really just the tips of the iceberg. Gather up all of those items you don’t need right now and bring them to your nearest EZ Storage location. We’ll find a storage space that’s the perfect size for your needs at a price that fits into your budget, too. Give us a call or stop by a location today!