Winter Moving & Storage Tips

Moving in the winter requires more preparation than in other seasons because of the extreme temperatures and safety hazards due to snow. Furthermore, if you’re like most people and have limited storage space, you’ll likely have to consider purchasing extra storage spaces, so your home won’t feel cluttered. If you’re having trouble getting started, we’re here to share our most effective winter moving tips and storage tips that we’ve gathered over the past 50 years in business.
Tips For Moving
1. Watch the Weather
Pittsburgh’s winters can be harsh, and the weather is known to change drastically. Stay up to date with the weather, and plan your move on a dry, clear day. Moving is already stressful enough without snowy conditions causing possible safety hazards.
2. Wear Warm Clothing
While you’ll likely work up a sweat moving boxes back and forth on your moving day, you’ll still want to dress accordingly to the weather. Ensure your head, hands, and legs are adequately protected from cold temperatures.
3. Prepare the Path From Your Home to Your Moving Truck
A common mistake we see movers make is not properly removing unwanted barriers or obstacles from their pathway. When moving, you’ll walk back and forth from your property to your moving truck multiple times. Take a few minutes to move any objects blocking the pathway, and place a layer of protection on your floors and carpets to protect them from sludge or salt. Doing so will increase the efficiency of your move.
4. Protect Your Belongings
To protect your valued items from breaking during the move, make an effort to add an extra layer of protection, such as bubble wrap. If you have large pieces of furniture you don’t want to scuff, wrap them in tarps. A few extra steps can save you a lot of headaches in the long run.
5. Get Your Vehicle Inspected for Safety
Before you relocate to your new house or apartment this winter, it’s a good idea to check your personal vehicle for any problems. you don’t want your car or truck to break down when it’s freezing outside. This can give you peace of mind before you pack things in the car and drive them to your new home.
6. Transfer Your Utility Services
After a cold day of moving, the first thing you might want to do is take a hot shower. You’ll also want to make sure the heat is working before you arrive so that you’re not trying to warm up the house after the sun has gone down.
Tips For Storage
1. Consider Climate-Controlled Storage Rooms
The last thing you want when unloading stored items is to find them molded and musty. While climate-controlled storage rooms may initially cost more, you’ll ultimately pay more to replace your damaged items down the line.
2. Use Plastic Containers for Storage
During the winter months, when ice, slush, and snow are present, plastic containers can be the best way to keep your things from getting wet and possibly ruined. While cardboard boxes can be suitable for some items, sturdy plastic tubs and totes can protect your sheets, blankets, and more from water damage.
3. Don’t Store Wet or Damp Furniture
Furniture is often expensive, but it’ll last longer if you take good care of them. Storing damp furniture is a surefire way to destroy it. Make sure any furniture is completely dry before storing them for the winter.
Visit Us Today for Winter Storage
Moving is often thought of as a stressful task, but with these tips for moving in the winter, it doesn’t have to be. if you’re unable to move everything into your new place in one day, then renting a self-storage unit this winter might be a good option. Renting a storage space for a month or two can help you protect your things while you get settled, and you can put things into storage before moving day. EZ Storage strives to continue providing excellent storage solutions of all sizes to our customers. Contact us today for a no-obligation reservation.